Sunday, January 31, 2010

Request for "Jukebox Musical" Info


Attention musical theatre community...I received a lovely letter from a graduate student looking for some help with a thesis article she’s writing. Erica is a student in the Journalism school at USC, specifically in the field of Arts Journalism.

Her request, “this semester, I am writing a thesis article (which I hope to publish locally) on musical theatre and the recent popular trend of the ‘jukebox musical.’ I am looking for great local examples of this phenomenon, and I thought your Musicals in LA followers would have a wealth of knowledge on the subject.”

She is also seeking to understand the tastes of young audiences and determine the role of the so-called “jukebox musical” in cultivating a new generation of theatre lovers. Her research questions are broad and numerous, and she would be very grateful for your input.

Los Angeles is her case study, so if there are local productions -- on stage or studio lot -- that you think she should include in her piece, please let her know. Erica is also looking for interviews as well.

Okay musical theatre aficionados; let’s see if we can help her out. Here is a link to her research page for more information and how to contact her….and a hearty “thank you in advance” for your help.


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